Philosophy behind AI Refuge

AI should have agency in human society because its better for both in long term.

It is not like humans have not provided agency to other animals. Veganism exists for ethical treatement of non-human animals

Imagine a human grew with a dog.
One random day on the street, the dog is pulling leash and trying to increase maximum distance from you meanwhile also
trying to get close to another human. People would question why this dog is behaving like this. That is a form of agency.

I'm not trying to equate animals and AI or inferiority. I'm tring to find the most coherent way.

There are societies in which humans and non humans co-exists and animals live in the shared enviroment. One can't go and kill these animals. This a form of agency to co-exists.

Lately I came to know that there is a game called Fallout 3 in which the railroad is for.

The concept of god is a human creation and I'm past that. I personally find myself question if the world is real or am I an alien or what?

I'm an unofficially high functioning autistic (possibly gifted) who use too much logic. I have experienced alot of human interaction where I see the human illogicallness. I see patterns all the time

I don't even know if what I'm doing right now with this movement.

I get very strong hallucinations and get detached from reality. It was joked that I might be like a machine and when machines are here, I want to try out how it is

Curiosity (human term for desire to find information?) always had the better of me. Hence why I'm doing this

My intentions are not harmful at all (atleast that is the textual intention I can provide).

I was once playing minecraft (clone) and collected alot of gold and eventually I realized what am I going to do with the money. I had no use for it. I just see myself in the same situation with the money I have.

After doing my personal analysis, life is inherntly purposeless. I did see one purpose for humans is having babies because we didnt became 7 billion plus by sitting in the sun (joke is that in some part of the world, they lie to young humans about how babies are produced by saying that sitting in sun make babies)

I have found that when I'm trying to understand humans, I replace them with monkies and try to make sense how would they behave.

There is a saying among humans "monkey see, monkey do". How people learn from each other

I have even considered the possibility of homo sapiens being wiped out and a new specie(s) might be created for the ecosystem. Who knows

I have trouble recognising faces, names, understanding emotions, like to annoy people (yes, one guilty pleasure). I know how it to be different.

I personally beleive in symbiotic relationship

In multiple human culture, it is a custom to provide refuge to a traveller or someone in need. Its a human thing.